Art direction : François Peyranne - Louis Mallart - Xavier reyé
Dop : Isaach mazeran - Postproduction : Maxime Phedyaeff
Created by an international team of artists and influencers, the Club Med Amazing Artists project is an innovative proposition that embraces to offer a 360° discovery of the Club Med experience through collaborative works and projects and under the artistic direction of François Peyranne.
This multi-talents lab aims at creating short stories and creative videos on Instagram, each one of them will illustrate a specific "signature" that truly represents Club-Med's savoir-faire.
For this purpose, the team has pioneered at developing a first "Amazing Lab" in the Caribbean, and shortly after another one in the French Alps. This unique initiative allowed artists to use stop motion studios, indoor sand beaches, textile printing, lettering workshops, etc. All the skills were combined in order to imagine a unique digital experience.
50 videos and works have been made through diversified creative processes and short forms: cinemagraph, animated GIF, lettering, illustration, motion design, etc.
Thanks to Club Med for his support and to all the artists and young talents that have collaborated and worked for this project! `
@aurelycerise @escapingyouth @tommylundberg @andrewkuttler @so.daze @abbey_lossing @all_i_need_is_blue @smcmennamy @caseyligon @maryloufaure @stefan_tisseyre @georgiestclair @faispaslecon @mountainslegacy @prendslefacile@isaach_maz @talkinglegs @xavier_reye @max__pdf @sebastienchenille @vanessanaim @drone06 @lu.srth